February 14, 2011

Nice Surprises...

The Hubs loved the book, or the card as he called it. I left it for him after he went to work, so when he got home this evening he found it waiting for him.  He was afraid of breaking it, so he didn't open it all the way, instead he just bent it slightly this way and that to read the little notes I'd included.  When I got home and opened it, he thought I broke it.  We had a good laugh. 

I had my own surprise arrived at work today from him.

My whole office smells yummy because of them.  Mmmmmm!

The delivery guy was quite busy making trips to our office.  A few other co-workers got flowers... and then one co-worker's husband  personally delivered a "bouquet" of heart-shaped mylar balloons.  It was cute.  The co-worker said, "I love it because they're so in [insert name of another coworker's] face!"  To which the other co-worker said, "You know, Valentine's Day isn't a real holiday!". 

We all laughed at his feigned bitterness. 

I think Valentine's Day should always be on a Monday.  It sure makes the beginning of the week much more bright and happy than the typical Monday.

I hope you had a good one!

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